Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Patched Jeans

This is my favorite pair of jeans.  Why they now have a hole in the backside, I will leave to your imaginations, but let's just say, I was going to take a picture of the hole with them on, but after trying them on, the hole got two sizes bigger.  You won't have to use much imagination here...
This is a shirt I have that I really like the pattern, but let's face it, its been sitting in the back of my closet for a year and I have not worn it.  Commence jean patching.
I have zero sewing talents.  I really mean zero. I have bought numerous numerous crosstitch patterns to make sweeping beautiful landscapes that all end up in the back of my closet.  For some reason, when I took crosstitching class as a 2nd grader, my teacher instilled way too much false confidence in me and I keep thinking I am an amazing sewer.  Unfortunately, the only thing I have ever successfully sewed for use was the straps on my ballet shoes and the stitch was 1/2 of an inch.  We don't have much to work with here, just letting you know.

Well, today, I decided that I was going to try my hand at patching.  Given my history, I am not sure why, but I tried anyway.

....AND I succeeded!  I patched my jeans with a bunch of random stitches (no telling how long the patch will actually hold) and wore them to the park with June and Annie on the playground.  Then... three well-meaning ladies/moms at three separate times (probably after they all secretly got together and laughed at me) came and told me I had a hole in my jeans ....
Moral of the story: do not put a patch on the inside of your jeans with fabric that looks like it could be underwear.


  1. HILARIOUS!!!!! regardless, you made them notice you!

  2. Yep, you did it again. Your creative writing coupled with the Suzanne antics that we all love, made me laugh out loud while reading this, I love that!


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