Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hen house finished!

Well, the outside is. Dan is still working on nest boxes and their sleeping arrangements.... Plus, he has to grind off all the nails sticking into the inside of the house from construction... But, isn't it fancy? I love it and the hens don't even know the palatial palace they will soon be laying their eggs in.
He painted it and put it outside friday and the chickens will move outside once I get back from a week long trip with my mom starting Tuesday. Oh yes, and that is dorky Dan with his rice patty hat on- I am NOT a fan. It will be burned pretty soon (when he least expects it!)

Pretty soon, the chickens will start laying eggs, well, maybe in about four months. But, we are ready for them- I'm brushing up on my egg recipes in the mean time :)

So, I leave you with the latest of Sayed's talents- photography, as well as his first time on a trampoline!

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious video!!! And I see he's sporting black socks with shorts just like Dan. And the hen house is perfect. I love that bright red-great job Dan!!


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