Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The others

I hear from many people that once the baby comes, the pets fall to the wayside. Now, I absolutely do not think that will happen with us (well maybe with Vern...), but just in case, they get pushed aside for the first few weeks of adjustment (or kidnapped as Dan believes their is a conspiracy against Vern from my family), I thought I would dedicate a little post to their adorableness and how much wonderful company they give me every day!

Below is my precious little shadow, Meuf Te' who I know will be up with me every night during feedings and will lay at my feet and follow me everywhere I go. She will love June just as much as I do and retain her eternal devotion to me forever! Hopefully.... She is wonderful and is my constant companion. I just can't get enough of how cute she is :)

And then we have Vern... I don't have much to say about him, except he is cute when he is laying down.... The rest of the day, he waits for and then barks at the mailman, chases Meuf Te' and Zeus, or whines to go on a walk or play with his ball....maybe just the terrible twos?

And last, we have faithful old Zeus, who is now about 7 years old! He lays on every piece of furniture in the house or lays outside in the monkey grass and jumps out and scares whoever walks up the walkway. When we are not home for long periods of time, he gets mad and throws up on Dan's clothes. He is such a character and still gets in bed with us at night for a few minutes before we go to sleep!

So, there you have it: the post dedicated to our dear animals who will always be my children even when I have many real human ones. They have kept me company for so long, especially Zeus and I would never toss them out, as some might think!


  1. Meuf Te' looks so cute and Zeus is ADORABLE!! I am willing to kidnap both of them so you can focus your attention on Vern and June.

  2. Great pics Suz! You and your animals! I will never forget you taking Zeus on walks with a leash in Chicago- I mean loved it! You are such a good mama to your pets and your are going to be an INCREDIBLE mama to sweet lil June!

  3. Oh and remind your family that Vern is the only thing keeping you and June safe from that pesky raccoon.

  4. Ok Loved this. Yes, your pets will go by the wayside if you let them. You won't. They will need more love and attention b/c of the new intruder. Just reassure them they are still your babies. great pictures of them all. So cute. Oh and when you don't have all the time to give back to them let them read your blog. Very loving.


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