Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hello Baby Annie!

She's here!  The little munchkin arrived with a successful (somewhat traumatic) VBAC with forceps.  But, she made it and she is doing great!  Lots more crying than June, but she looks exactly the same and is adapting to my famous schedule! :)  I am recovering very slowly (actually slower than c-section), but that is to be expected and mom will be staying with me during the day this week.

June has been with my parents for five days (SO helpful!) and is coming back to live in our little house (which we are finally moved into!) tomorrow.  She has adapted perfectly and hardly notices a change with Annie...

A family of four now- adjusting and moving slowly, but very blessed :)


  1. That's a great family pic of you and Dan. You look like you could totally do this 4 more times!!

  2. Suz, sweet little Annie is SO precious....and did you really just have a baby? You look totally gorgeous and like nothing even happened!


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