Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dan speaks at Elm Creek Career Day!

Yes he did! Dan came to my school today (that I will no longer be at in 3 weeks:( and spoke at Career Day. He was FOR SURE the best speaker and the kids LOVED him! They were trying to figure out how to get their parents to buy spray foam- what a salesman... Watch the video of his sales pitch and see how he explains it all to the 5th graders.

He brought lots of props; notice his Dare to Compare Box :) And he even brought a video and his spray foam suit! Notice him getting a kid to try it on:
He even incorporated Math, Science, and Reading and made sure the kids knew how important they are- can't get much better than that!

And in case you are wondering if I am ever around, I am- mostly going to ballet, reading, learning how to run Dan's Quickbooks, and finishing up at school. But, here is a picture of some yeardwork that I actually did this past weekend. I planted the finishing touches: the flowers!! They are New Guinea Impatients and I just love them! We water them twice a day and I have even been tempted to sing to them (because I think they are getting a little more sun than they should- perhaps the flower song from Alice and Wonderland....:). But, it hasn't come to that yet. One completely wilted over, so we gave it some water and it perked right back up! You may notice the shish-ka-bob sticks surrounding the flowers. That is because I found out the hard way that my flower garden is Zeus' personal bedroom and he uses the pretiest ones for his bed! AHHH! SO, they are now encased in a medieval fortress with no room for beds - Zeus will just have to re-locate to his favoriet pot!

Stay tuned for our garage sale this weekend. I got a bunch of people on our block to participate, so it should be pretty fun!

1 comment:

  1. Love it that you told those kids about wanting to work for yourself and that you can make the decision to do it. Your video was great and the ball thing - a great illustration that kids and me, too can understand. You two are great! I love to read about you! A and J read your blog today !


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