Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Chicken Mama

So, apparently, the chickens are alot more attached to me than I knew. I had no idea.

Every day, I go to the new house with June (yes, we are still living with my parents for two more weeks!), we get the chickens' eggs, say hi, and sometimes give them cantaloupe or watermelon rinds for a special treat. Usually, Esmerelda pecks my ankle while I am looking for their eggs that they hide in the hen house in the hay (I kindof yelp and play-kick her away, well maybe really kick her sometimes if it hurts...) Miss Penny says hi and Kink Tutu and Madame Cluck pretty much ignore me. They all cluck cluck cluck (although it is really more of a chortle- not sure when the cluck sound happens...) when I approach, but the previous scenario is their typical behavior when I go into their domain.

SO, I was expecting no change when I was gone and Dan was picking up their eggs. I was the Kappa rush advisor (10am-midnight) this past week and then met my San Antonio girlfriends in Chicago for this past weekend. Needless to say, I was not able to visit my ladies. Every day, I would ask Dan which eggs he found because of course, I had to keep my egg journal up to date. Well, day 1, he found two and then the next 6 days, NONE! I was getting a little worried about their diet or thought maybe they were sick, but I came back sunday and then yesterday- one egg, and today- tada! three eggs!!!
So, my conclusion is: the chickens cannot lay eggs without their mama- not Dan, not June, but ME! I feel very loved and important to add some ladies to my brood and will not take this new responsibility lightly.

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