Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Italian anyone?

So, for all who don't know- I married myself a full-bred Italian. He had to forgo his dreams of marrying another Italian Catholic to carry on the family blood lines, but he managed somehow and now we have ourselves a little Scottish Italian (with a few other nationalities in there). I don't know if you have met her yet- June? ;)
Anyway, Dan's mom, Cyndy is a fantastic cook - one that I could never hope to emulate, so I don't even try. I let her win all the cooking awards in this family and pass down her excellent Italian cooking genes to Dan, who does most of our cooking. (Usually very happily, but not in this picture...?)
Well, this past week, we were invited to an Italian dinner at a friend's house from high school. A fun chance to re-connect with all my fun high school girl friends and bring an Italian dish. Dan was busy with his new job and so it fell to me- AHH! I immediately called Cyndy, who was going to give me her authentic stromboli recipe, but when we thought about it, we realized that was just a little too much for Suzanne. SO... I made her Italian sausage recipe!
And.... it was a hit!!! It was the appetizer and was all gone before the meal even started- yay! (my friend, Ashley enjoying some scrumptious italian sausage)
So, maybe this little Scottish lady does have some cooking talents up her sleeve, but probably a little more realistic- Dan and Cyndy have rubbed off on me a little. Oh well- I'll take what I can get!

1 comment:

  1. I would never have known you weren't was that good! Loved the food and loved hanging out with you sweet girl!


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