Wednesday, December 9, 2009

June's room and...Christmas!

So, we are down to the final 16 days till Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year! I couldn't resist putting a picture of our Christmas tree and stockings on here. Dan did such a good job with the lights (I think we are going to have to throw the tree away with the lights this year!) and sawing off the bottom of the tree (it was too big!). Notice Meuf Te' at the bottom waiting for the fire to die down so she can eat a piece of charred wood- her favorite! Next year, we will have one more stocking to add!

Dan just finished painting June's room last week. Don't you love the coral!?!? Our colorist is FANTASTIC! Mom came in town last wednesday through friday to help me with decorating and picking out bedding and just running alot of errands. We had a lot of fun and got ALOT done!

The bedding will be white; I just haven't gotten that yet...

Below is a picture of my new chair we got for when June gets here. I plan on spending some sleepless nights here, I am sure. It was worth every penny, because it is the most comfortable chair I have ever sat in. Two other girls on my block have the same chair in their baby rooms!

After mom left, I worked on putting the pictures in the frames. About four years ago when I lived in Chicago, I was walking Zeus one day and came across these books a lady had left outside that had a sign that said "help yourself!" So, i did and have been saving this Vogue picture book ever since to use on something like this. It is all Vogue covers from the 1910's and 1920's and I just LOVE them! So, 10 of them are on the wall by my chair (well minus one because I need another frame) and we are putting another three over by her crib. They are so cute and the frames go perfectly with the room!

So, there you have it! I had to leave one last picture of our dear little crib that Dan's parents got for us. The room's not done yet, but its getting there pretty quickly. We are getting super excited and 10 weeks doesn't sound like that far away!


  1. I LOVE the Vogue pictures! SO classy chic! :) And the crib is beautiful!

  2. Oh it's been way to long since I've checked in on your blog, put agree with Kel, the room looks great and the Vogue pictures, an added plus and a total Suz touch, LOVE IT! You also look darling by the way, the bump suits you!!!! XOXO L


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