Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Drawer Labels

It has been bothering me that June's cute little drawers in her armoire were not super organized. So, sans label maker, I took inspiration from my crafty, creative sister-in-law and created some!
Then I nailed them into the drawers and they are just my proudest achievement at the moment! I think they turned out really nice!

I used my scrapbook scissors and spent some ridiculous amounts of time cutting the pieces just right. But everyone says that you don't have time after the baby comes, so I thought I should take advantage. I am sure that I will need to change my labels up once I know more what she needs, but these are based on what I have right now. Ah, organization at its best....


  1. SUPER CUTE! That was some intense scissor work! I need to introduce you to the die cut machine - I think ya'll could be great friends. :)

  2. SO proud - my cup runneth over!!

  3. Sweet girl, I'm so glad I saw you had a blog. You are just as adorable now as ever. Congrats on the sweet baby-she'll be a very lucky little girl.

  4. So creative! You are looking too cute too by the way, loved the Christmas card.


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