Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Weekend with Asher and Selah

So, the countdown continues- only 7 days till the big move to Lubbock. Its going by so fast!
This past weekend, we had some of our friend's kids stay with us for the weekend- Asher and Selah. They could not have been more well behaved and we had such a fun time! Dan was the greatest playmate...
And I kept the fort down of course with all the planning of when and where to go and what to eat, etc.
Saturday night, we went to Bert and Julia's house and had one last get together with all the moms and babies (and Courtney, who is due any day!)
And June had such fun with her little friends that she is moving away from :(
But we are excited to start this new venture in life and leave the details up to the Lord. Only He can show us the right path to take and the best road to travel down. We work each day at leaving it in His hands, and not trying to take it in our own...

1 comment:

  1. 7 Days! Oh my, that will go quick! Prayers for safe and stress-free move. Hope to have a lunch date soon!


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