Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Somewhat belated Christ-mas greetings, but Happy NEW YEAR!!! 2011!!! YAY!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Don't give up!

If it looks like I have completely given up blogging- that is not true! All 5 of you loyal, faithful readers out there, we are still here! Man, the holiday season is so hectic! We have been out of town so much and keep forgetting the true meaning... Where does it go? What a clever little ploy of marketing atheists! All conspiracies here in Suzanne world- Dan dismisses most, but my mind enjoys them ;)

So, here are my friends, Courtney's and Laura's posts of June and I visiting our favorite place of San Antonio last week for a cookie exchange and good ole' Mahncke Park drama and fun! We had a wonderful time and loved our hosts- they could not have been more hospitable. There is much more to say, but where is the time to say it- yikes!

Cookie Exchange!

Reminder for SuDan here: JESUS is the ONLY reason for this season. I am trying to live and leave all the stuff behind while focusing on Christ's birth and our praise of His coming to save us! What an awesome thought to comprehend. Although, it is somewhat un-comprehensible. Is that a word? Spell check didn't underline it for me, so pat on the back for that one!

Anyway, hope you are having a merry holiday season, probably without snow- but use your imagination! Only 10 days away!

AND here is a pic of us in all our fun travels these last few weeks- Dallas for Dan's company Christmas party, Lexington for my company Christmas party and fun visit with the Ditto cousins and San Anton. Who knows which airport this was taken in!?! Where are our sweet animals, you may ask? Agh! Who knows?! But they are here when we get home to welcome us and forgive us for leaving them and paying no attention, etc. I wish I could be more like that!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

17 blocks

Sunday morning, Dan decided that we were going to walk to church! So, 30 minutes early, we set off for 17 long blocks, which I am sorry to say is a pretty big accomplishment for me.....

For some reason, Meuf Te' was not allowed to come, only Vern because Dan had not filled his daily walk requirement yet. But June had a fantastic time and Vern, well Vern was Vern...
Then, we decided to keep our green streak going and took a family bike ride.
Great end to the fall in Lubbock. It's about to be our first real winter in quite a few years....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

June's first words!

It's official! June has said her first words and I, of course, had to catch them on video. Watch and love.... :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We were in Dallas this past weekend for Dan's sister, Mia's fabulous wedding! It was just beautiful and so fun! I will post more on that later (with pics of June's little black dress!),
But right now, I just had to share June's little Halloween costume with you.

She didn't even mind having the hood on and just crawled around like an actual little lady bug :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Morning at City Hall

We spent last friday morning at City Hall campaigning for our fellow church members. It happened to be the coldest morning yet this year, so we got all dressed up to go!
Since we have moved to Lubbock, the Lord has led us to a church of primarily homeless people. A few years ago, neither of us would have ever thought that is where we would be, but we love it and love the fellowship we have with so many wonderful people, and the lessons Christ is teaching us through humility.

Anyway, friday morning, the city council was hearing opinions and voting on whether the homeless would be able to continue sleeping at the City Public Library downtown. They have slept there for many years and it is actually a good place because it is right next to the police station, so the city is able to keep an eye on them. But, people have started complaining that they leave it messy and store their things there, and its an eyesore, etc... So, the city was going to make an outlaw prohibiting it, which would send them "elsewhere." (i.e. all out into the neighborhoods where the police would have had to find them if they caused any problems, hence costing more money, causing more issues, and creating a larger problem...)
Well, Dan and June and I went in support. The City Council usually has about 2-3 people attend their meetings and friday morning, there were over 100! It was wonderful and we won (for now). They are tabling the issue and forming a committee. June was very vocal on the issue and had to sit outside in the hall with me, but we are proud of our little protester!
"Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hand but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now." - Saint Teresa of Avila

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Last night, Dan made dinner while I picked June up from my mom's house. She keeps her every Tuesday, which is FANTASTIC for me. I am able to get tons done and have a short reprieve.

So, when I got home, Dan told me he had somehow conjured up some fresh mozzarella and he had little tomatoes and fresh mozzarella all cut up with balsamic vinegar and oregano and bread. This may not sound like much, but to me- its heaven!!! ANYthing with bread is wonderful for me. I like bread with absolutely every meal!
Anyway, at the end of dinner, he told me that the fresh mozzarella was actually June's string cheese that he had cut up and didn't it taste great and we didn't even need to buy fresh mozzarella anymore! (I must admit, it did taste just like fresh mozz, but I was still a little perturbed at him for pulling one over on me!)....

Moving on; June loves blackberries. They are super messy, as you can see, but it is pretty funny to watch her eat them! :)
She hoards them like they are her most precious possession...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

8 months and counting

June will be 8 months in just a few days, so I thought I would put a few pictures on here to commemorate the occasion. I have been playing with the mac photo editing buttons, as you can see. I am a total novice, but it sure is fun! She is growing up and looking cuter every day!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Well, we have a little snaggletooth on our hands.
She has one tooth on top with two more coming in and two on the bottom. She is chomping away at food, although none of it actually goes in her stomach; it all comes back onto the floor, the high chair, her clothes, me, etc... But that's ok. We are just learning slowly how to eat and do all the other basic skills in life.... :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Back to San Anton'...

...just for a few days... We went back to San Antonio again because our house is selling (thank the Lord!) and we had to get everything out of it! It was weird going to San Antonio and not staying in our dear little house, but Courtney, David, and Charlotte were nice enough to offer their house for the weekend and we had a wonderful stay there.
Saturday night, Laura and Matthew had everyone over for a Fall Ball. June got to hang out with all her fun little friends:
and we got see all of ours!
Babies everywhere! I wish that June had little baby friends here. It is so fun to watch her with little ones her own age. But she will just have to be satisfied with her super cool and fun mommy right now.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A day in the life of Sudan

Yes that is Dan standing on brother Clif aided by brother Travis (no, not monks- biological brothers) trying to reach a paint spot while I hysterically laugh and take pictures...... Brotherly love... :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Oh Zeus!

So I'm not sure if you remember our humongous cat lion, Zeus who calls our new house his home now. He is a very sweet cat, but when he first moved to the new house, we weren't here yet. He had to tough it out inside for the first week with no one here in a strange new place- not to mention that he is a mostly outside cat! It was not fun for him, even though i visited daily. So, we were painting over here one night and we left the skylights open in the upstairs loft room.
Zeus got it into his little head (that I think is a little disproportionate to his body) that he needed to get out and fast! So, he climbed out of the skylight on to our super steep roof. Well, that was all he wrote. He hadn't thought past the flight. He's not a great climber in the first place and he couldn't get down.
We tried and tried to coax him back into the skylight but he was just too scared. So, we went back to my parents' house for the night feeling pretty bad for him just meowing away up there.
The next morning, knowing Zeus was probably just hanging out up there scared, we took a ladder over to attempt the climb up to get him.
I was going to get him, but Dan in his macho manliness decided he would do it.
What a sight! He crawled up the super steep roof (with our new neighbors watching), got Zeus (who was still meowing) and scooted down!
I was hysterically laughing and Zeus was terrified, but we got him and I am pretty sure he is never attempting that again.
Oh Zeus, we'll keep you around a little while longer....

Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy 30th!

A few years ago, Dan told me to never throw him a surprise party. Oops! I of course, did not listen, because who doesn't want to know that all their friends love them enough to keep a secret from them and then suddenly scare them out of their wits?! So, I put a few things together to throw him a surprise 30th birthday.
Today is Dan's 30th birthday- happy birthday! But last weekend was the day. Dan and I were in Dallas (I for Mia's (Dan's sister) bachelorette and him to take June and see his parents).
So, unbeknownst to him, I planned a little early surprise. Sunday morning, after a fun late night with Mia and Dena (his other sister) and friends, while he was at church, his friends and family came over and helped me decorate. Then, in walked Dan's parents, June, and Dan (just whistling along) and ta-da!
Fun times and a happy birthday. 30 great years down and many more to learn from and grow on :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Morning Coffee

Dan and I are both so grateful to be working from home. He is out and about alot, but his home base is our house, so some mornings we decide to take it easy before work. The past few mornings, I have been super lazy. Dan has gotten up and fed June and taken her on a walk to Starbucks.
About 30 minutes later, I get up and go meet them there (in, ahem, the car). Oh well. June and Dan get some father/daughter time, and I get some much needed rest!

It's been really chilly in the morning, hence the warm clothes. But it is so nice that fall is here (only in Lubbock, not in Dallas/San Antonio.) That is one good thing about living in Lubbock - the fantastic weather. Hope you have a wonderful fall day!

moving AGAIN!

So, moving seems to be the story of our life right now. Last weekend, we went to San Antonio to get a few more things because we bought a house here in Lubbock! (yay! :) We drove all the way there (terrible drive) with June and Meuf Te' friday night.

Saturday, we walked in the early morning (no late mornings after babies) with Courtney and David. Here is how the babies looked with Courtney and I:
And here are Dan and David confused with what to do with the babies:
Saturday afternoon, we went to Laura and Matthew's daughter-Laney's birthday party at the pool with all our good Mahncke Park friends and then saturday night, some of them had a birthday party for Courtney and I, since our birthdays are 4 days apart. It was SO fun and of course, I forgot to take pictures, so this will have to suffice.
Then, Sunday, we had to load a few things in the u-haul and head back to Lubbock with the Zeus-man, who finally gets to join us! Lo and behold- Mad Moving Dan joined the party. Dan HATES moving, so when moving time comes, he checks out and lets Mad Moving Dan do all the work, Man, this guy is mad! He like moving even less than Dan, but he is the only one who will participate, so I put up with him and he stalks around trying to find something else bad about moving to be mad at.....

All of our friends came by sunday to say goodbye and everyone got to meet Mad Moving Dan. I wish you could too, but you will just have to imagine him. He doesn't allow photos. He is kin to Overbite Ernie
and Igor,
some of Dan's other friends. Oh the fun you miss around here ;)

But anyway, we drove back with a U-haul, Meuf Te', Zeus, sleeping June, and NO room in the car.
But we made it! And the day after we got back, our house in San Antonio went under contract and the movers are going to move all the rest of our stuff in three weeks! Oh, timing :) We did some painting this last week and will move into our new (but very old) house sometime in the next few days. Come and visit us in our new abode here in Lubbock!
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