We spent last friday morning at City Hall campaigning for our fellow church members. It happened to be the coldest morning yet this year, so we got all dressed up to go!
Since we have moved to Lubbock, the Lord has led us to a church of primarily homeless people. A few years ago, neither of us would have ever thought that is where we would be, but we love it and love the fellowship we have with so many wonderful people, and the lessons Christ is teaching us through humility.
Anyway, friday morning, the city council was hearing opinions and voting on whether the homeless would be able to continue sleeping at the City Public Library downtown. They have slept there for many years and it is actually a good place because it is right next to the police station, so the city is able to keep an eye on them. But, people have started complaining that they leave it messy and store their things there, and its an eyesore, etc... So, the city was going to make an outlaw prohibiting it, which would send them "elsewhere." (i.e. all out into the neighborhoods where the police would have had to find them if they caused any problems, hence costing more money, causing more issues, and creating a larger problem...)

Well, Dan and June and I went in support. The City Council usually has about 2-3 people attend their meetings and friday morning, there were over 100! It was wonderful and we won (for now). They are tabling the issue and forming a committee. June was very vocal on the issue and had to sit outside in the hall with me, but we are proud of our little protester!

"Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hand but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now." - Saint Teresa of Avila