Last night, Dan made dinner while I picked June up from my mom's house. She keeps her every Tuesday, which is FANTASTIC for me. I am able to get tons done and have a short reprieve.
So, when I got home, Dan told me he had somehow conjured up some fresh mozzarella and he had little tomatoes and fresh mozzarella all cut up with balsamic vinegar and oregano and bread. This may not sound like much, but to me- its heaven!!! ANYthing with bread is wonderful for me. I like bread with absolutely every meal!

Anyway, at the end of dinner, he told me that the fresh mozzarella was actually June's string cheese that he had cut up and didn't it taste great and we didn't even need to buy fresh mozzarella anymore! (I must admit, it did taste just like fresh mozz, but I was still a little perturbed at him for pulling one over on me!)....
Moving on; June loves blackberries. They are super messy, as you can see, but it is pretty funny to watch her eat them! :)

She hoards them like they are her most precious possession...