Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Today, my mom and dad were over hanging out with June and me while Annie cried (no surprise there!). My brother, Travis, just had hernia surgery, so they were talking about the limited activities that Travis can do.  My mom said- "Travis was going over to Tom's to play video games, but the haboob got him."   I was sitting there thinking, oh, some stupid video game thing that I have no desire to know about because  video games would be #8,900,456,724 on my list of interests in life.  So, I am just sitting there thinking- blah, the haboob.  Who cares, mom.  Then, my dad says "yeah, the haboob knocked down a private plane at the airport too."  And my interest perked up a little bit, mostly out of annoyance.  I was thinking- Dad, why the heck do you know or care about haboobs and when have you ever played a video game?  Blah, anyway, again, I was annoyed, but started thinking how a video game character named Haboob (in my mind- somewhat like Jabba the Hut) could get to the real airport and knock down a plane.  This tells you how sleep-deprived I am (yes, thanks Annie for not complying with my schedule), because FINALLY I ask- why do yall keep talking about this haboob?  My mom says- "you didn't see the windstorm?"

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, a haboob.

Who in the world chose to name a wind/dust storm that looked like the Wicked Witch was flying by to Kansas any minute a Haboob- I don't know.  But, four hours later, as I am just now processing my conversation, I got a pretty big kick out of my sleep-deprived confusion.....

Lessons of the day:
#1 Annie, stop crying and sleep all night
#2 Haboob does not equal Jabba the Hut

1 comment:

  1. This post was HILARIOUS! Suz I would totally think the same thing about the haboob- what a terrible name for a windstorm. I'm dying to talk to you about sweet Annie and how you're doing as a family of 4! and I want more pics of Annie. I'm going to call you tomorrow--- I miss you!


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